Healthy Plate

Guide to Balanced Nutrition

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Healthy Plate

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Healthy Plate

"Healthy plate" is designed as a concept to serve as a practical guide for preparing meals that are not only delicious but also nutritionally balanced.

Healthy Plate

What does a "Healthy Plate" consist of?

• Fruits and Vegetables - 1/2 of total daily intake

Half of your plate should be filled with vegetables and fruits of various colors and types. Vegetables and fruits should always make up the largest portion of the food you consume daily.

• Whole Grains - 1/4 of total daily intake

Whole grains not only contribute positively to overall health but are also nutritionally rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Foods like wheat, barley, quinoa, chia, brown rice, and corn belong to this group. They have a more favorable impact on blood glucose levels and insulin secretion compared to white bread or other processed grains.

• High-Quality Proteins - 1/4 of total daily intake

Fish, chicken, turkey, nuts, and legumes are excellent sources of protein.

• Plant-Based Oils - Choose healthy fat sources!

Biochemically speaking, healthy fats include unsaturated fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which positively affect cholesterol levels and overall heart health. Olive oil, avocado, and nuts are some sources of healthy fats.

• Drink Water or Tea

Water plays a crucial role in the digestion process. It facilitates the transport of nutrients, maintains mucosal hydration, and dilutes digestive juices. Regularly consuming adequate amounts of water is essential for maintaining optimal digestive system function.

Water plays a crucial role in the digestion process. It facilitates the transport of nutrients, maintains mucosal hydration, and dilutes digestive juices. Regularly consuming adequate amounts of water is essential for maintaining optimal digestive system function.

Practical Tips for Food Proportions

Step 1

Half of your plate should consist of vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, apples, cabbage, pears, spinach, oranges, tomatoes, grapes, zucchini, and green beans.

Step 2

Choose protein sources such as fish, chicken, turkey, nuts, or tofu. Protein should make up 1/4 of your plate.

Step 3

Select whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, or chia seeds to complete the plate.

Step 4

Incorporate healthy fats from sources like avocado, olives, chia seeds, almonds, and many others. It’s important to consume fats in amounts that align with your overall energy needs.

Step 5

Opt for healthy plant-based oils as a salad dressing, such as olive oil or soybean oil. Use these oils in moderation and according to your total energy needs to maintain a balanced diet.

Avoid consuming sweetened drinks and sodas as they are calorie-dense but low in nutritional value. Limit the intake of red meat and completely avoid processed meats like cured meats, bacon, and sausages, as they are linked to specific health risk factors. Saturated and trans fats are generally less desirable from a biochemical perspective, as they can increase levels of bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

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